dontkillspike May 07, 2021 08:00
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cast: james marsters, tv: casa grande, movie: superman: doomsday, tv: dragon ball super, character: spike, video game: dc universe online, james marsters video interview, james marsters interview, movie: dragonball: evolution, james marsters, cast: christian kane, tv: leverage redemption, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, james marsters video, audio, #everythingzen, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Sep 09, 2016 11:33
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dontkillspike Mar 06, 2016 05:46
character: lord tensley, cast: james marsters, tv: buffy, movie: dragon warriors, crew: joss whedon, audio, james marsters interview, video game: dc universe online, character: spike, character: lex luthor, movie: abruptio, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Mar 01, 2016 12:38
cast: anthony stewart head, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: buffy, james marsters tweets/posts, cast: j august richards, movie: dragon warriors, cast: james c leary, tv: warehouse 13, video game: dc universe online, tv: buffy pics
dontkillspike Mar 01, 2016 07:48
video game: dc universe online, cast: james marsters, character: lex luthor, james marsters tweets/posts, jm-top, video game: dc universe online video, james marsters video
dontkillspike Feb 22, 2016 13:43
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dontkillspike Feb 21, 2016 09:50
event: portland comic con, video game: dc universe online, cast: james marsters, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Jun 14, 2014 12:00
cast: sarah michelle gellar, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, character: spike, video game: dc universe online, james marsters interview, play: hound of the baskervilles pics, ghost of the robot video, play: hound of the baskervilles, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, twitter, james marsters fansite, event: gotr 2014 euro tour, spike action figure, crew: joss whedon, audio, cast: james c leary, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Mar 29, 2014 12:00
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dontkillspike Feb 07, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, event: pasadena film festival, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, tv: buffy, twitter, video game: dc universe online, tv: smallville